Web3 Public Affairs

Welcome to the first Sweden-based PA and advisory board agency for web3, blockchain and crypto.

We strengthen your business and secure investments through better communication, credibility and network.

  • Added value in terms of trust and credibility.

  • Improved outreach through better communication and media relations.

  • Provide help to decision makers in private and public sector to better understand the impact of blockchain and web3, what users and businesses of the technology wants and the importance of a sound regulatory framework.


Web3 changes everything
– we help web3 change
things through public affairs

  • Public affairs

    We help your business build relations with relevant stakeholders and decision makers.

    We strengthen your interests through analyzing and recommending strategies on long term relation building, communication and public relations.

    We are your link between web3 aspirations, policy makers and legacy markets.

    We provide guidance, analytics, strategic action plans and advisory services to help your business navigate a space plagued by uncertainty and yet to be decided compliance, rules and regulatory bodies.

    Business Intelligence

    Who does what, why and when? Does it affect your blockchain protocol or service and how will it impact your strategy moving forward?

    We help you map and identify decision makers and stakeholders on their standing in the formal decision making process. Giving clear guidelines on who to interact with and when.

Strengthen your business through our advisory board service

  • Strengthen your business by letting W3PA be part of your advisory board.

    Your network, your credibility. W3PA provides stability and credibility through our advisory board service. With W3PA in your advisory board you get a Nordic and European view on business related problem solving and geo-realted insights on new market developments. It also strengthens your credibility and helps with interactions in the region.

    W3PA:s advisory board service is an accessible retainer product for ballpark meetings. Tap into know how on formal decision making processes, get to know the best possible reach out strategy to policy makers and find the right support in communication and agenda structure to navigate the Nordic/European web3 and legacy world.

Improved media outreach

  • Traditional media is an important part of a company's everyday life, both in success and in crisis. For the blockchain, web3 and crypto space the image in media is especially important as it influences decision makers and investors. We improve your communication and coach on how to interact with journalists and media so that your products and services gets the right attention.

    We have extensive experience with opinion-forming activities at various levels. We transform facts, figures and statistics into stories that are easier picked up by media and decision makers.